W32.sasser.worm can be
spread to any computer on the net !!!!
This worm is not spread by email, but by
directly accessing random IP addresses. It WILL infect computers which
do not have the latest Microsoft patches, or a good firewall. It may cause the
computer to shut down and restart, and run extremely slowly.
More info:
This worm DOES NOT COME IN AN ATTACHMENT ! The message part of the email attempts to
contact a website and download the malicious code. It opens listening ports and can be
used to perform Denial of Service Attacks.
More Info:
NETSKY....: There are now numerous versions of this virus, thanks
to some kind of "war" between virus writers.... As with earlier versions,
this virus is a mass mailing worm which sends to email addresses found in many files on
the infected computer. These can include text files, stored web pages etc. This virus can
also cause system instability.
More Info:
PHATBOT: If you share music / files, or use IRC chat, or run open
shares on a network, then beware of Phatbot. This worm can steal passwords, use your
computer for mass mailing and FTP, and compromise sensitive data.
more info: http://www.lurhq.com/phatbot.html
Beagle/Bagle: A new version of this virus may purport to come from
Spiderweb Administration, and refer to your account. It may attach a zip file and supplies
a password for the zip file... DO NOT OPEN the attached file !!!
Gaobot (agobot) :
A particularly nasty virus which can download and execute files, steal system information,
harvest email addresses, and steal CD keys for various games.
Various versions cause system crashes, and / or prevent normal assess to the internet.
More Info:
NEW MYDOOM: A new variant of the MYDOOM virus, mydoom.F, has surfaced in
the USA and Europe. This one is dangerous as it deletes Word docs, Excel Spreadsheets,
database and image files.
SCAMS: 2 new scams are
circulating on the internet via email....
1. Another "BANK" scam, purporting to be a warning about bank scams
actually sends you to a chinese "fake page" and requests your account
details..... BE ADVISED: Banks DO NOT request account details via email !!
2. A so called "Police Investigation" scam, which entices the viewer
to visit an overseas site. If you go to that site, malicious code will be downloaded to
your computer, which may record your keystrokes, and relay your passwords etc....
DELETE these emails immediately !!!
is a variant of the original bugbear virus that tries to exploit a vulnerability in
outlook email programs... It is still rated as a "High Threat".
This virus can record your keystrokes, and send sensitive information from your computer
in emails....
You need to keep your Windows programs "up to date"... Run the
"Windows Update" from your system and install all "critical patches"
Email virus/worm "Swen"
masquerades as Microsoft Update
Users and system administrators should be aware of a mass-mailer worm that purports
to be the "September 2003, Cumulative Patch" for MS Internet Explorer, MS
Outlook and MS Outlook Express.
The worm arrives as an attachment with a .exe extension.
In addition to email vectors, Swen will attempt to spread through file-sharing networks
and will attempt disable antivirus programs and personal firewall programs on an infected
This particular executable may be detected by anti-virus systems as the W32/Gibe-F virus.
It may also arrive in an email message appearing to be a qmail delivery failure notice.
Some email subject lines that Swen may use are:
New Internet Security Update
net security upgrade
New Net Critical Update
Note ! Microsoft DOES NOT send patches via email.
see: http://www.sarc.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.swen.a@mm.html
For more info on viruses, and anti-virus
solutions, see: