This service is available to Spiderweb
We will not tolerate "multiple spam" listings nor listings promoting
"get rich quick" multi level marketing schemes. When placing adverts you will be required to fill in your Email
address. Please enter it carefully. This allows a password to be sent to you so you
can modify or delete your advert.
Please delete your advert if you have sold the item, or if the advert is no longer
Any advert with a false email address will be removed. We also log the IP addresses of
advertisers for legal reasons.
Spiderweb is not responsible for the accuracy of these adverts, nor the quality of the
items offered for sale. All onus is placed upon the vendor to accurately describe
the item. Adverts offering illegal or offensive material will be deleted by the site
administrator, and that advertiser will be prevented from advertising again. Please
remember that this is a FREE service.......... Please respect these few rules.
Due to many advertisers omitting to remove obsolete adverts, all categories will be wiped
clean on a regular basis. Adverts last cleaned out
01/7/2003 |