from the Spiderweb Team

We have placed a link at the bottomof  this page as a quick link to the latest virus warnings.  We will try to keep it as "up to date" as possible.  Please click on it regularly and be aware of the latest and nastiest viruses that are around on the net.

We suggest that you always run an "up to date" antivirus program on your computer, to avoid becoming a "spreader" of viruses.

Just having the antivirus program that the computer shop put on when you bought the computer is not enough.  New viruses are being written every day   (don't ask why,  we don't understand the virus writer's mentality either... )   and to protect your computer and the data it stores, you MUST keep your antivirus program "updated".

Sometimes this means connecting to their site and downloading the latest "virus definition" list, so that your antivirus program will protect your computer from the latest viruses, and sometimes you will get a full update to the program itself, as it may need to be "redesigned" to detect the latest viruses.

Either way,  a few dollars spent on an AntiVirus program, may prevent the heartache and cost of losing your data (or replacing your computer) and possibly losing a lot of friends because the virus emailed itself to everyone in your address book......

Many antivirus program suppliers have a "latest virus" list or page that you can visit to read about the latest viruses that they can detect or have discovered.   Please check with them regularly, update your antivirus program regularly, and sleep peacefully at night knowing that you are not a virus spreader.